Back pain is one of the most frequent reasons for visits to doctors all over the world. According to various sources, with this symptom, at least once in life were between 90% and 100% of adults. Back problems are on the list of leaders of the causes of desertion in the hospital.
Back pain can be very different. Sometimes, it is just the result of fatigue or stretching of the muscles, and sometimes indicates a serious disease. The pain can occur between the vanes, in the lower part of the back, on the side of the spine, to give it in the arm, one leg. Often, they give rise to the violation of the movements in the spinal post. Some people are "pulling", other "pica", the third place on the back of "triggers". It is important to find the cause and fix the problem, otherwise, with the time, the symptoms may increase, so much so, that will become man in the person with a disability.
In what diseases produce pains in the back?

Most often back pain are acute, that is to say, they don't bother for more than three months. Rarely are more lengthy, chronic pain.
The most banal causes of the high physical loads of the non-trained people. Had to raise the cabinet on the fourth floor of the house, where there is no lift and, in consequence, the next day the back starts to "hurt".
Often the back starts to hurt after the injury. Often it's just an injury, but sometimes happen and more heavy injuries of the spine: vertebral subluxations, compression fractures. The correct diagnosis helps to establish an x-ray,a ct scan.
It is considered that the common cause of back pain — myofascial pain syndrome. In the muscles of the back will produce areas of tension, the so-called trigger point. Become sources of painful sensations.
The most popular diagnosis for back pain — the osteochondrosis. But today many of the physicians that provokes questions. It is considered that the osteochondrosis occurs due to degenerative changes in the spine. But such changes is the of almost all men after 40 years, however, the back hurt anything.
If the degenerative changes that occur in betweenespinal disc, outer dense part is stretched and is destroyed, and the soft inside starts to bulge beyond the vertebrae, squeezing the nerve roots and the spinal cord, giving rise to headaches. This condition is called intervertebral hernia.
Poor posture and scoliosis can also lead to headaches.
Osteoporosis is enough a common problem among the women in postmenopause. The bone tissue breaks down, it loses density, in particular in the vertebrae. A rare cause of painful sensations in the back — the malignant tumors, which squeeze the spinal cord and nerves.
They are also likely to experience back pain?
There are some risk factors — if they are present in your life, you will, sooner or later, with the highest probability of zabolit back and problems with the spine:
- the sedentary lifestyle;
- the excess of weight;
- flat feet;
- excessive exercise;
- frequent stress, which can cause chronic muscle tension.
Often the back pain occur or increase during pregnancy.
In what cases it is necessary to consult a doctor?
If your back hurts a lot and for a long time, in any case, it is worthwhile to visit a doctor neurologist. But some of the symptoms of alert "shout" that the visit to the doctor, you only need to:
• pain after the injury;
• back pain along with an increase in the temperature of the body;
• the fecal incontinence and the urine;
• intense pain, which is given in the arm, the leg, accompanied by numbness, tingling and other unpleasant sensations;
• intense pain that bothers me always, it doesn't happen even during the holidays.
How to diagnose the cause of back pain?

In most of the cases doctor-neurologist can be said that the cause of the pain after the inspection, without the need of surveys. If the cause is necessary to clarify, they resort to the help^
- the x-ray,
- computed tomography,
- magnetic resonance imaging,
- electroneuromyography (record of electrical impulses in nerves and muscles through electrodes),
- sometimes you will need blood tests.
One of the easiest and fastest ways of research, that helps to evaluate the condition of the spine and to detect pathology — x-ray. Usually, the snapshots are made in two projections — front and profile. Capture usually 4-6 adjacent vertebrae, in which originated the pathology.
Spine x-ray helps to identify violations on the part of the vertebrae (from their bodies, arcs and appendices), the intervertebral discs and joints, injury (fractures, subluxations-vertebral fractures), congenital abnormalities, osteophytes (bone expansion), osteoporosis and other changes.
How is the back pain?
In the majority of cases of back pain are not caused by serious diseases. With unpleasant symptoms can resolve with:
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory media.
- The curative treatment of the gym.
- The massage.
- Physiotherapy.
- Many people help to chiropractic.
- With some chronic back pain management of antidepressants.
With more frequency of the disease that cause back pain, very amenable to medical treatment. The operations have to resort to the frequency. Naturally, when a number of pathologies, the more time you postpone the visit to the doctor and start treatment, the more they grow, the changes in the vertebral column, so that they increase and the chances of being on the operating table.